carpal tunnel/hand/wrist videos

Is The Pain In Your Thumb Mommy Thumb Or DeQuervain’s Syndrome

What is Mommy Thumb?  Medical terms sometimes change over time.  In this case, since lots of moms get this particular type of pain, a new name for DeQuervain’s Syndrome evolved.

A ‘syndrome’ is a bunch of symptoms.  In the case, the new name for the syndrome is Mommy Thumb.

I’d guess that beside lifting little babies many times a day the cause also comes from current lifestyles.  Weaker upper bodies and arms and more time on computers or ‘just sitting’ may cause you to have a tendency to tilt your wrists as you lift your baby (or anything.)

It’s tilting your hand toward your baby finger that stresses the muscles and tendons on the thumb side of your wrist.

Lifting with straight wrists rather than tilted can prevent and help get rid of Mommy Thumb.   At Carpal Tunnel Pain Relief there are many more articles about hand, wrist and arm pain, too.

Don’t worry–there are natural steps you can take to get rid of your pain.  Surgery is rarely the answer.



By Kathryn Merrow

Kathryn Merrow is a Neuromuscular Pain Relief Therapist and Wellness Coach with extensive advanced training and over 30 years of experience. Kathryn Merrow seeks the cause of your pain and then explains the simple, natural steps you can take for relief. Kathryn's goal is to help YOU get rid of your discomfort so that you will be pain-free for the rest of your life.

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