natural healing

What’s the Reason for Your Pain? Let’s Discover What’s Making You Hurt

This post relates to whatever type of pain or physical discomfort you may have…

It seems like just today (because it was today, actually) I was talking with a nurse-specialist about intestinal issues.

She was telling me all of the possible medical reasons for these particular issues. I asked WHY? I had to ask again, but WHY? Finally, at the very end of her list of medical reasons she came to the one I was waiting for.

“Sometimes”, she said, “the intestinal issues could be diet related.”

In my mind, and based on my training and that of colleagues who also specialize in natural pain relief, most health and pain problems have a cause. The cause can be very simple and all bodies are pretty similar, so the treatment is usually pretty similar.

Diet and posture play huge roles in pain syndromes like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, arthritis and intestinal dysfunction (which the nurse kept referring to as ‘disease’).

Lifestyle (posture, diet, habits, sleep issues, nutrition…) causes a whole-big-ton-lot of illness and dysfunction. Especially in the US, we have ‘lifestyle diseases.’ 🙁

The good news is that it’s treatable, naturally.

Just have to ask WHY and take care of the WHY.

I’ve had clients who are focused on the diagnosis or symptoms more than on the WHY. Gotta take care of the WHY–the CAUSE–and the symptoms can go away.

Is that typical conventional medical thinking?

I never said it is.

Sometimes it’s really hard for people in conventional medical fields to ‘get’ this because it’s not how they were trained but some of them do get it.

Sometimes it’s really hard for regular people like us to ‘get’ it because it’s new to us and it can be hard to understand a new concept. I love it when a client gets it because their eyes light up!

Looking for a quick fix or magic pill from conventional medicine? Could happen. Maybe. Sometimes.

And sometimes conventional medical treatment really is the only option.  And I do love doctors!

But I’m going to keep pushing natural relief and natural cures because in my personal and professional experiences of over 30 years, they work. Instantly? Not usually but literally life changing (for the better!)

Don’t focus on symptoms. Focus on WHY. What’s the CAUSE?

The intestinal disorder the nurse was telling me about may well be caused by a virus or bacteria or someone may have a genetic propensity to a disorder (which could be fueled by lifestyle).

But I’ve been around a whole lot of constipated people because, well, lifestyle diseases, remember? A diet that’s lacking in vegetables, fruit, fiber, whole grains and healthy fats (and loaded with fake stuff) can easily cause all kinds of health problems.

A crappy diet can cause crappy intestinal function so, in my mind, look to diet/nutrition first and perhaps–maybe–all of the medical testing and treatments could be avoided or lessened for those patients.

Let’s take care of the possible causes of your pain symptoms and other health issues naturally.  Let’s get rid of the WHY.

But if you prefer conventional medical treatment and care, I’m good with that, too. It’s your body and you get to decide. 🙂

Your friendly Pain Relief Coach,
Kathryn Merrow


By Kathryn Merrow

Kathryn Merrow is a Neuromuscular Pain Relief Therapist and Wellness Coach with extensive advanced training and over 30 years of experience. Kathryn Merrow seeks the cause of your pain and then explains the simple, natural steps you can take for relief. Kathryn's goal is to help YOU get rid of your discomfort so that you will be pain-free for the rest of your life.

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