foot pain posture

Why Do You Need Arch Supports For Your Flat Feet?

Do you suspect that your flat feet cause problems for you?  Or are they “just” uncomfortable?

Did you know that fallen arches cause back pain, neck pain and headaches?

Is it possible that you need arch supports for your flat feet?  Maybe so.  Here’s why:

Your feet are the foundation of your skeleton.  Your arch keeps you in an upright posture.

Arches under bridges make bridges strong so they don’t collapse.  The arch in your foot does the same for your posture.

When you do not have an arch in your foot, your foundation collapses.  And when your foundation cannot support you in a neutral, balanced position you can end up with pain.

Where exactly will your flat feet cause pain?

Hold onto your hats!

While you may have pain from stretched, strained muscles in the arch of your foot there are other areas that you wouldn’t have guessed in a million years.  Like your neck?

I’ll tell you more, below.

When you have an arch in your foot your weight will be pretty much balanced on your toes, on your heel and on the outer edge of your foot.  But if you don’t have an arch you will carry most of your weight on your toes.  Your body gets pitched forward.

Here’s how to determine where you carry your weight on your feet:

Stand up, barefoot, for about 5 minutes.  Don’t move.

After 5 minutes, notice where your weight is.

It will either feel fairly even around your whole foot or you will feel the most pressure under your toes.  You might even feel you’re gripping the floor with your toes.

But there’s help!

It’s possible to regain some of your arch by walking barefoot and doing exercises for your foot and leg muscles.

Sometimes shoes may actually do us a dis-service.  Shoes can hurt.  After all, we were not born with shoes on our feet.

  • But, if you have to wear shoes make them as comfortable as you can so nothing is pinching or squashing.
  • And wear a good arch support, one that will actually hold your arches up.

Make sure your arch supports fit YOUR arches.  It shouldn’t feel as though you are walking on a walnut.

The arch support you choose should be the right length for YOUR arch.  Some people have a shorter arch or a longer one.

You don’t just want a soft mushy ‘support’ that won’t support your arch.  Check out a running shoe store.  You can probably find a set of arches there to support your flat feet with firmness.  Try different sizes to find the length of arch that fits your foot best.

But, why should you wear arch supports if you have flat feet?

Remember where the weight was on your feet?

Did you feel it mostly under your toes?  If so, you are leaning forward whenever you stand or walk.

When you lean forward, your heavy head is out in front of your body.  It is exactly where gravity can grab it and pull you into poor, collapsed posture.

Poor posture puts a lot of stress on your neck muscles and causes pain in your neck and upper back.

It can even pull the natural curve out of your lower back and cause low back pain.  And head pain. How about knee and hip pain, too?

Having arches in your feet can help you get the natural curve back into your lower back and that helps with posture, too!

You see, poor posture causes a lot of health problems.  We’d like to avoid them.

That’s why you may need arch supports for your flat feet.

Is it possible to correct flat feet naturally?  Can you get your old feet back?  Without surgery?


My left foot used to be so flat that it hurt to walk barefoot.  The bottom of the ‘arch bone’ touched the floor and it did NOT feel good!

Here’s what I did:

  1. Curling toe movements
  2. Rolling the feet outward when seated
  3. Rolling the bottom of the foot on soft balls like a tennis ball and on firm balls like a golf ball.  Do this standing with a ball under one foot at a time.  Support yourself with your hand if necessary.

Does this work even if you’re older?

I corrected my flat foot about 20 years ago, definitely middle age.  Your body is smart and wants to be well, no matter your age.

My left arch is still more collapsible or flexible but, when I walk on the pool deck with wet feet, I leave TWO impressions that look like proper feet now instead of one arched foot and one glob.  🙂

My foot doesn’t hurt anymore and the bones don’t drag on the floor anymore.  Giving myself an arch in my only flat foot made it easier to correct my posture and keep it corrected.




By Kathryn Merrow

Kathryn Merrow is a Neuromuscular Pain Relief Therapist and Wellness Coach with extensive advanced training and over 30 years of experience. Kathryn Merrow seeks the cause of your pain and then explains the simple, natural steps you can take for relief. Kathryn's goal is to help YOU get rid of your discomfort so that you will be pain-free for the rest of your life.

2 replies on “Why Do You Need Arch Supports For Your Flat Feet?”

I suggest you try Asics or Mephisto’s. I have sialimr achy feet but find I can walk all day at Disney World with Asics or Mephisto’s. They can be pricey but worth it. I’ve tried many types from inexpensive to expensive and I find these two brands strive for excellence in comfort.

Thank you, Jessik, for sharing your experience about shoes with good arch supports that are comfortable. There are some shoes that are made for pronators (people whose arches fall or are weak.) The shoe fitter person in an athletic shoe store can help you find the shoes that are built for people with flat feet. Asics are good. I haven’t tried Mephistos yet. 🙂

Kathryn Merrow
The Pain Relief Coach

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