self help

How Does Your Body Heal Naturally?

Bodies heal all the time.  That’s their job!  And that includes YOUR body. It is true that we age but we can feel well and be healthy as we age.  Here’s an article that will explain more about how your body heals wounds naturally.  Just click the link, below. You deserve to feel better.  […]

nutrition self help

Food Is Medicine–Eat Healthy and Skip The Disease

You really are what you eat. Your body has certain needs (lots of them) and when you provide those nutritional needs it will function well. You will rarely be sick.  You will enjoy good health.  Your body will be able to heal. But when you don’t provide the nutrients that your body needs, whoops!! Your […]


Easily Switch From Processed Foods To Healthier Foods For Better Health

How can you can easily switch from eating highly processed foods to eating healthier foods?  And what are “healthier foods”? Well, the closer you can get to the way the food actually grew, the healthier it is. The farther you get away from foods that are most natural–that means the most highly processed “foods”–the farther […]

self help

Natural Pain Relief–Who Is In Charge Of Your Body?

I recently read an excellent book about natural pain relief. It has a great disclaimer. It said, basically, if you think you need the protection of a disclaimer, then close the book now. The author (Pete Egoscue) believes that the most important consultation is the one each person has with himself or herself. He believes […]

self help

Ten Simple Pain Relief “Secrets”

There are simple techniques you can use to get out of pain. There are easy movements and simple “tools” which will help you get back to where you want to be. There are logical ways to eat, move and live which will enable you to feel well and function without pain. So, what are the […]


Vitamin T – How Important Is Touch For You?

Touch.  Vitamin “T”.  Something your body craves.  Needs. A long time ago a “research project” was undertaken by a king.  I think it was in Germany. The ruler wanted to know what language babies would speak if no one ever talked to them.  What would naturally come from their mouths? The babies were taken from […]

end of life

Do Doctors Over-Treat Dying Patients?

Is it possible that doctors “do too much” for patients who are dying?  This subject is close to my heart because it happened to my brother.  Two specialists were very pushy that he have treatment that he didn’t want to have. One article suggests that many times it’s the patient who wants the “over care.”  […]

self help

More About How Gratitude Can Improve Your Life

Gratitude is like medicine only better.  A good, solid dose of gratitude can help you see things in a whole new light and enjoy your life more.  And the people around you will enjoy you more, too. Here’s an interesting article about gratitude. You know, we are so blessed and fortunate to have what […]

back pain upper back pain

How Do You Strain Your Upper Back Muscles?

Got an achy upper back?  Neck hurts?  Wondering how that happened? Here’s the link to an article at Simple Back Pain Relief that will give you answers to that burning question.  (Sometimes it does feel like those neck muscles are burning, doesn’t it?  Muscles can feel like that.) Just click the link, right below. […]

self help

How To Fall Asleep Naturally and Sleep Well

If you don’t get enough sleep you can get muscle and joint pain. Discover tips to fall asleep and stay asleep.

self help

Are Your Arms Tired Of Hanging Around? It’s Time To Stretch!

I know this is a cute photo and this is a good looking boy but there is more to it than that. My question to you is: When is the last time you stretched your arms up like this? Stretching is GOOD! Your muscles LOVE to move. In fact, you were built to move. Babies […]

self help

Cataract Surgery–Yes or No

Should you have cataract surgery? What does an opthalmology doctor say? What is a Cataract Surgery Mill? Is it ever urgent to have surgery? And what is a cataract?

self help

Prevention Is The Highest Form Of Healing

Prevention is the highest form of healing and surgery should be the last resort. How can you prevent ill health and feel and function better naturally?

carpal tunnel/hand/wrist

Simple Pain Relief Tip for Hand & Wrist Pain–Computer Users

I was watching a woman work.  Is this woman at risk of having hand and wrist pain?  Or a carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis in her future?  She is if she continues doing this… I watched her filling in blanks on her computer screen.  Her seat was far enough away from the keyboard that her arm […]


Natural Cure for Asthma

If you have asthma–or your child does–the following article may cure you. Here’s why:  I was wheezing from the time I was 2 years old.  I was treated in the emergency room twice when I was a teenager because I could not breathe.  I “out grew” it when I was in my 50’s! As an […]

self help

Natural Carpal Tunnel Relief? …

Natural Carpal Tunnel Relief? Check out the articles at

self help

Seems it doesn’t matter what time of day you eat

Seems it doesn’t matter what time of day you eat, as long as you don’t eat more calories than you burn. And that’s one of the nice things about fruits and vegetables.  You can eat and eat and chew and chew and it’s really hard to get too many calories. Not so with packaged, highly […]

self help

Question: Is it better to stretch before bed or in the morning?

Question: Is it better to stretch before bed or in the morning? Answer: Every chance you get is a good time to stretch. How about now? 🙂 In fact, stretching while you are IN bed is a great time.  Why? Because gravity is not pulling you down when you are flat on your back.  Gravity […]

self help

Keep moving–it beats the alternative

Keep moving–it beats the alternative. You were built to move. Sitting? Not so much. 🙂 It’s time for a long, lovely stretch break! Move your muscles in the opposite directions of the positions you’re usually in.  Arms up and back.  Breastbone lifted.  Legs stretched out behind you (one at a time, of course.)  🙂

self help

Today is a good day to take time for yourself

Today is a good day to take a few minutes for yourself and just do nothing. Enjoy something you’ve been overlooking: clouds, flowers, kids. Doing nothing can be the most productive thing you do all day.
