back pain

Natural Back Pain Relief

I just got my hands on a brand new book written by medical doctor Norman J. Marcus.  His treatment of back pain is somewhat different than my usual recommendations for therapeutic massage because he uses electrical devices BUT he treats back pain the very same way I recommend:  He looks to the muscles!

Of course, a medical treatment that uses devices is going to cost a whole lot more than massage therapy.  And I’m not sure it will be any better or as good.  But he does look at muscles as being a prime cause of pain and that’s a good start for the medical community!

You see, muscles are responsible for most of our pain.  But most doctors don’t know this.  That makes it really hard for you to get a good diagnosis when you have pain.

Please don’t get me wrong–I love doctors and surgeons!  I wouldn’t be here writing today if not for their skill and talent and training.

But if your doctor doesn’t understand the true cause of your pain he or she will probably suggest medications or surgery.  Maybe physical therapy first.  That’s good.  But then the physical therapist also has to understand the true cause of your pain and treat you as an individual with a unique body.

Tight muscles and trigger points cause a lot of grief. Trigger points are hyperirritable places in muscles or other soft tissues.

That’s why I created programs to help you get rid of the Knots In Your Back and your Carpal Tunnel Pain. And that’s why I promote other good programs that will help you get rid of your pain naturally.

That’s why I write and write, sharing what I know so you can feel better.

Anyway, here’s the link to a review of the good doctor’s book.  End Your Back Pain Forever.


By Kathryn Merrow

Kathryn Merrow is a Neuromuscular Pain Relief Therapist and Wellness Coach with extensive advanced training and over 30 years of experience. Kathryn Merrow seeks the cause of your pain and then explains the simple, natural steps you can take for relief. Kathryn's goal is to help YOU get rid of your discomfort so that you will be pain-free for the rest of your life.

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