natural healing self help

Natural Pain Relief Using Ice Therapy

ice is good medicine!  Here’s how to use ice for muscle pain relief. Lots of folks think heat feels better (including me) but sometimes (lots of times) ice is the way to go. And, I also think ice feels great.  Sometimes a bit uncomfortable but it has such a nice numbing effect! Using ice as […]

massage muscles and pain

Massage Is The Best Drug In The World for Muscle Aches & Pains

Muscle aches and pain?  Except in emergencies, I always recommend the most natural, least invasive ways to feel better.  And very often that means I am recommending massage therapy. I LOVE massage! There is no better medicine for muscle aches and pains and it is all 100% natural! Over the years I have had many […]


Does Massage Get Rid Of Pain

Can massage provide “pain relief” or is it just another type of “pain management”?  It depends. Bodies are really logical.  They are smart.  They were designed to function in certain ways. When we give them what they want and need they can heal and be well.  Sometimes what they need includes some muscle therapy. What’s […]


Massage Is Powerful Natural Pain Relief Remedy

Why do I believe so strongly in the power of massage for pain relief? 1.  Because it works. I have seen it work over and over.  IF…the massage therapist knows where to work, understands the causes of your pain, and can help you correct your posture.  Some do, some can’t; it depends on their training, […]
