self help stretching

How To Stretch At Work–Or Anytime

Here’s a simple system of stretching that I like so much that I want to share it with you.

It’s an easy system to remember.  It’s the Y, T, W and L system.

Why do I like these movements?

  • They strengthen your back. That’s a very good thing for avoiding pain!
  • They move your arms in the opposite position of the position you usually use. Another very good thing.
  • They get your muscles moving and muscles like movement!  (You were born to move!)

How often should you stretch?

It depends on how long you are in any position.  If you start to hurt, the time to stretch is five minutes earlier!

If you are sitting at a desk for 7 or 8 hours each day you could take a stretch break every hour.  I have read of people who took a stretch break every 15 minutes!  That is how they are able to work without pain.

A work-at-home man I know takes 15 minutes off for every 45 minutes he works.

Your body was built to move.  Your muscles like to be used in many different directions.  That makes them happy.

Just being in one position for hours, hours, hours (or even for a while) doesn’t make them happy.

You want happy muscles?

Either lie down or stand up and with your arms make the letter Y. Palms forward and thumbs up.

Next, straight out from your shoulders for the letter T.

How about a W?  Hands up, thumbs pointing toward your ears.

And the letter L with your hands off to the sides, palms forward and thumbs up.

Stretch.  Do your Y,’s, T’s, W’s and L’s.

A stretch is SO much better than a coffee break!  And these stretches have the added benefit of strengthening your back and improving your posture.

Take it from The Pain Relief Coach. 🙂


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